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Friday, November 5, 2010

NGO spotlight

The beyond amazing non-governmental organization, Black Slash, has worked very hard for 55 years to spread the good word of love, justice and equality. They work toward making Human Rights a reality for everyone in Africa and protect the rights that have been given to people. Also, that social and economic rights are rightfully given to all. This great organization reaches out by giving free advice and paralegal support.
Within the last five years alone, Black Slash has helped nearly 60,000 people, awesome right? They are the protectors of the people and make sure the government upholds their responsibility to the people as well as follow the Constitution. These loving people are putting on a campaign called UNITE AS ONE to fight against xenophobia, (I had to research this word..because fortunately we do not see it that much in the U.S...but we need to make sure it stays that way) which is an extremely deep-rooted fear of antipathy or foreigners.
"Xenos" comes from the Greek word "stranger". This is an effort of uniting the continent and ending intimidation, intolerance and violence within. The campaign launched in correlation with Mandela Day and ran until October 17th, 2010. They hope to build on the amazing unity felt during the World Cup 2010 and work to an even greater Africa. Go online and sign their pledge, please oh please. You are signing your name to saying no to racism and advocating unity, PEACE and humanity. Props for Peace Black Slash!

visit the website:

photography by Marcio Simnch

of great worth

I have never been one to easily step away from my comfort zone, yet I know that an experience in Cape Town with a NGO would be something too beautiful to be discomforting. The university is offering many different options for students to work with during their internship in South Africa.

Possible NGOs

  • Train economically disadvantaged students in the film industry
  • Take economically disadvantaged school children on nature hikes up Table Mountain; these hikes will be part environmental education and part self-esteem building
  • Train science teachers and work in environmental education
  • Work on media campaigns around human rights issues
  • Support offices that offer free advice and paralegal support to socially disadvantaged people
  • Work with children who advocate for children's rights and welfare
  • Help various organizations communicate their campaigns and visions through their websites and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter)
  • Work with organizations who support women and children who are victims of domestic violence
learn more at:

photographs unknown

Intellect is Everything

When Professor Kientz sent out a mass email inviting students to have lunch with Eddie Daniels, I quickly responded with great enthusiasm. I got the honor of sitting next to Daniels and his words were beyond inspiring. After being found guilty of sabotage during the apartheid he was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Robben Island, where he met Nelson Mandela.
He told a great story about Mandela. Daniels said that one night he was sick on the Class D prison floor and Mandela heard news of his illness. Mandela personally went to Daniels, comforted him, gave him great encouragement and then carried his load.
He spoke very highly of the legendary man and stated that "he was one of the greatest persons ever to have been," which many would agree. Daniels spoke positively and daringly. One statement that I found incredibly empowering was "your intellect will take you everywhere."
He had a je ne sais quoi and an infectious love for life. Daniels became an activist at age 12, and he still has a youthful spirit. The University of Kentucky is truly lucky to have had this man expand his great knowledge and spirit to their students.

Walking on a Dream

I am looking forward to spending two months on the coast of South Africa, breathing in the culture and aesthetics from something other than my own. I want to escape from my own limitations and expand into something to help change the world.
Jet set and go for it.

photographs unknown.

Kentucky and South Africa: Different Lands, Common Ground

Apply for Writers Bridging Borders or an internship with a NGO for summer 2011!!