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Friday, November 5, 2010

NGO spotlight

The beyond amazing non-governmental organization, Black Slash, has worked very hard for 55 years to spread the good word of love, justice and equality. They work toward making Human Rights a reality for everyone in Africa and protect the rights that have been given to people. Also, that social and economic rights are rightfully given to all. This great organization reaches out by giving free advice and paralegal support.
Within the last five years alone, Black Slash has helped nearly 60,000 people, awesome right? They are the protectors of the people and make sure the government upholds their responsibility to the people as well as follow the Constitution. These loving people are putting on a campaign called UNITE AS ONE to fight against xenophobia, (I had to research this word..because fortunately we do not see it that much in the U.S...but we need to make sure it stays that way) which is an extremely deep-rooted fear of antipathy or foreigners.
"Xenos" comes from the Greek word "stranger". This is an effort of uniting the continent and ending intimidation, intolerance and violence within. The campaign launched in correlation with Mandela Day and ran until October 17th, 2010. They hope to build on the amazing unity felt during the World Cup 2010 and work to an even greater Africa. Go online and sign their pledge, please oh please. You are signing your name to saying no to racism and advocating unity, PEACE and humanity. Props for Peace Black Slash!

visit the website:

photography by Marcio Simnch


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