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Friday, April 8, 2011

the rainbow nation: ART.

The most vulnerable act you can make is to expose who you are. Through art, not only is the individual exposing themselves but their community to which they live in. South Africa's art community is thriving and their rich culture, full of joys and sorrows, can be seen thanks to the fingertips of its natives. 

Marna Schoeman:

I chose these four to place due to their complete and captivating whimsy. I love the mix of sketch, imprint and painting. The exotic colors and subjects show the beauty of the surroundings the artist is placed in, yet her utterly brilliant mind. A natural psychedelic experience.

Margaret Nel. 

I just love this woman. Her paintings have a "rose" about them don't they? Her retro paintings are realistic, but a kind of reality I wish I lived in. Streamers and cupcakes along with nonchalant expressions. The cupcakes show the plastic captivity that domestic life holds, yet the sweet pleasures of the modern era. I love her coastal hues and inspirations. 

Andre Naude.

His incredible paintings are simply perfect. I adore the whimsical landscapes, calming colors that almost seem to be the photograph of a memory. His quick  and playful brushstrokes gives his work a childlike air. By no means could a child create these, but it is if his perspective is from that of a child's. 

Ilse Fourie:

I just think she is absolutely brilliant. Her vibrant palette exudes that she is from the rainbow nation. I love her scribbled charcoal and use of fish. This last painting here, is called "a conversation with remarkable fish." While it is difficult to foretell what any artists means in their work, this beautiful woman portrays herself with a deep appreciation for the human body, mind and nature. 


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